TB 9-2300-295-15/9
e. Correction. The repair of defective supplies
s. Warranty Start Date. The warranty begins on
with the Government having the option to correct the
the date the Government executes its acceptance of the
defect itself or direct the contractor to make the
supplies as defined above.
3. Coverage-Specific.
f. Defect. Any condition or characteristic in the
a. This bulletin applies to TACOM managed
supplies that is not in compliance with the requirements
NonTactical Vehicles (NTV).
of the contract or that does not otherwise function as
b. The contractor warrants the supplies are free
from defects in design, material, and workmanship for a
g. Failure. A part, component, or end item that
period of 18 months from warranty start date.
fails to perform its intended use.
c. If a Safety Recall defect occurs during the
h. Manufacturer's Recall.
vehicle warranty period that deadlines the vehicles from
(1) Safety Recall. An item is recalled to repair
operation, the Contractor agrees to extend the term of
or replace a defective part or assembly which may affect
the warranty for such affected vehicles by a period of
time from notification of the deadline status until the
(2) Service Recall. An item is recalled to
vehicle is corrected and made operable. Additionally, to
repair or replace a defective part(s) or assembly which
the extent the Contractor or its suppliers provide to their
does not affect the safe use of this item.
commercial customers a greater warranty for the supply
i. Owning Unit. The Army unit authorized to
end item or components thereof delivered under the
operate, maintain and use the equipment.
contract, the Contractor hereby agrees to provide such
greater warranty to the Government. The Contractor
J. Reimbursement. A written provision in this
agrees to furnish the TACOM Directorate for
warranty in which the Using/Support Unit may make the
Maintenance (NMP), ATTN: AMSTA-MVA, a listing of
necessary repairs and the Government will be
specific parts, components, or assemblies which carry a
reimbursed for the repair labor costs.
warranty greater than the warranty to the Government of
k. Repair.
A maintenance action required to
18 months as provided herein, as well as the specific
restore an item to serviceable condition.
terms of such greater warranty coverage, within 30 days
I. Supplies.
of first vehicle delivered.
assemblies/parts thereof furnished by the contractor.
d. If a defect/failure is caused by or falls within any
m. Supporting Repair Facility. The repair activity
of the following categories, it is not considered
authorized to accomplish warrantable repairs at the
warrantable and a claim should not be initiated:
appropriate level of maintenance identified in the
(1) Misuse or negligence
Maintenance Allocation Guide.
(2) Accidents
n. WARCO. Serves as the intermediary between
(3) Improper operation
the troops owning the equipment and the local dealer,
(4) Improper storage
contractor or manufacturer. All warranty claim actions
(5) Improper transport
will be processed through the WARCO.
(6) Improper or insufficient maintenance
o. Warranty. A written agreement between a
contractor and the Government which defines the rights
(7) Improper alterations or repairs
and obligations of both parties concerning the
(8) Defect/failure discovered or occurring after
Government's remedy for the repair/replacement of
warranty expiration date.
defective supplies subject to a warranty.
(9) Fair wear and tear items (brake shoes,
p. Warranty Claim.
Action started by the
pads, armatures, brushes, etc).
equipment user for authorized warranty repair or
4. Contractor Responsibilities.
a. When the owning unit has directed the
q. Warranty Expiration Date.
The date the
contractor to correct the supplies, the contractor will
warranty expires. Supplies are warranted for a period of
furnish all material required to correct the defective
18 months following the date of Government acceptance.
supplies. When the contractor corrects the supplies all
r. Warranty Period.
Time during which the
labor involved shall be borne by the contractor.
warranty is in effect. Supplies are warranted for a period
Additionally, the contractor shall arrange and bear all
of 18 months following the date of Government
transportation costs of the supplies to its facility and