TB 9-2350 -314-20-2-3
No. 9-2350-314-20-2-3
Washington, D.C. 1 October 2004
PN 12999080
Contract Number DAAE30-01-D-1003
You can help improve this TB. If you find any mistakes or if you know of a way to
improve the procedures, please let us know. Submit your DA Form 2028-2
(Recommended Changes to Equipment Technical Publications), through the
Internet, on the Army Electronic Product Support (AEPS) website. The Internet
address is http://aeps.ria.army.mil. If you need a password, scroll down and click
on ACCESS REQUEST FORM. The DA Form 2028 is located in the ONLINE
FORMS PROCESSING section of the AEPS. Fill out the form and click on
SUBMIT. Using this form on the AEPS will enable us to respond quicker to your
comments and better manage the DA Form 2028 program. You may also mail, fax,
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DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is
unlimited. This determination was made by TACOM on 31 May 2004. Other
requests for this document must be referred to: Tank -automotive and Armaments
Command, ATTN: AMSTA -LC-CFP, Rock Island, IL 61299-7630.
a. This Warranty Agreement provides guidance for user activities in managing and complying with the
manufacturer's warranty for components of the Paladin Digital Fire Control System (PDFCS) procured
under Contract DAAE30 -01-D-1003 with Northrup Gr umman (NG).
b. Due to warranty claims processing time, the warranty alone may not be an appropriate vehicle for
maintaining readiness of the PDFCS. The requisitioning of replacement components should be
considered in addition to processing a warranty claim when the rapid restoration of PDFCS operation is
essential to maintain readiness.
c. The warranty provides that the PDFCS components at the time of acceptance (or delivery) will:
1) conform to design and manufacturing requirements; 2) be free from all defects in materials and
workmanship; and 3) conform to all performance requirements delineated in the applicable specifications
of the contract. The warranty periods for the PDFCS Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) may vary depending
on the time when the LRUs are procured and accepted by the Government and delivered to the user.
Therefore, the warranty period of the PDFCS will be tracked by the serial number of each LRU and can
be found at the contractor's website. Table 1 of this TB identifies the LRUs in the PDFCS that will be
covered by the contractor warranty. The warranty will include furnishing of serviceable items (without cost
to the government) to replace any items that prove to be nonconforming and/or defective within the
warranty period.
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