TB 9-2350 -314-20-2-3
e. NEOF Returns. When items returned to the contractor for repair are found to be serviceable, the
submitting user will be billed for the cost of testing and shipping.
f. Special Area Requirements. The following warranty procedures are applicable only to units in Iraq:
The PDFCS Display Unit (PDU) is not warranted when the using unit is
located in Iraq.
(1) Unit PLL clerk checks Paladin warranty website (www.qrsdc.com) or AEPS website
(aeps.ria.army.mil) to determine if item is under warranty. The PDFCS Display Unit (PDU) is not
warranted when the using unit is located in Iraq.
(2) Tag each LRU with a DA Form 2402 or DD Form 1577-2.
(3) Prepare a DA Form 2407 and request a replacement from the FS Battalion shop stock.
(4) Shop stock clerk requests a Repair Maintenance Authorization (RMA) utilizing the Paladin
warranty website.
(5) When the RMA is received, the unserviceable LRU will be retrograded through the Team Armor
Partnership (TAP) Forward by preparing an ULLS high priority turn -in document with a ship to address of
RIC: WDZ and DODAAC: W91XTZ. In the remarks block of the turn-in document indicate Project Code:
G1G and RMA Number (provided per RMA request).
(6) The priority of the turn -in document will be established as follows:
If additional shop stock assets of the LRU are on-hand, use priority 05.
If the shop stock asset balance for the LRU is zero, use priority 02
(7) The LRU tagged with a DA Form 2402 or DD Form 1577-2 will be placed in the appropriate
long life reusable container (LLRC) along with a copy of the DA Form 2407. If a LLRC is not available,
use a suitable container and cushioning material to protect the LRU, see paragraph 6b. Be sure the
container has a shippin g label indicating the NSN, Document Number and priority, CC: F, DODAAC:
W91XTZ, RIC: WDZ, RMA Number and PROJ Code: G1G.
At no time should the Paladin LRUs be combined with items in a multi-pack destined for
a location other than DODAAC: W91XTZ (TA P Forward).
(8) Place the LRU on its own pallet for shipment or only with other materiel being transported to
DODAAC: W91XTZ (TAP Forward).
(9) Transport the LRU to the Iraq TAP Forward site.
(10) Continue to check RMA status to obtain information on the status of the RMA until the LRU or
a replacement is received.
(11) When an LRU is received, locate the RMA referenced in the shipping documents, go to the
Paladin warranty website, RMA status, and enter the serial number of the LRU receive d in the received
g. Claim Denial. If a warranty claim is denied, the contractor shall contact the user and inform them
that the equipment will not be covered under warranty. Refer to paragraph 1g.
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