TB 9-2815-205-15
j. Reimbursement. A written
r. Warranty Period. Time during
provision in this warranty in which the
which the warranty is in effect. Normally
using/support Unit may make the necessary
measured as the maximum number of years,
repairs, with or without prior approval from
months, days, miles or hours used.
the contractor, and the Government will be
reimbursed for the repair parts.
s. Warranty Start Date. The date the
warranty is put into effect, (Government
k. Repair. A maintenance action
required to restore an item to serviceable
condition without affecting the warranty.
3. Coverage- Specific.
l. Supplies. The end item and all
a. This bulletin applies to the 6V53
Engine, Model No. 5063-5393, Model
assemblies/parts furnished by the contractor.
5063-539L and Model 5063-539F. The
m. Supporting Repair Facility. The
items are manufactured by Detroit Diesel
Corporation (DDC) under Contract Number
repair activity authorized to accomplish
DAAE 07-94-D-A013 The warranty is
warrantable repairs at the appropriate level
serviced by DDC, 13400 West Outer Drive,
of maintenance identified in the
Maintenance Allocation Chart,
can be made by calling 1-313-592-5665.
n. WARCO. Serves as the
b. The contractor warrants the supplies
intermediary between the troops owning the
are free from defects in design, material, and
equipment and the local dealer, contractor
workmanship for a period for twelve (12)
or manufacturer. All warranty claim actions
months from warranty start date.
will be processed through the WARCO.
c. If a Safety Recall defect occurs during
o. Warranty. A written agreement
the vehicle warranty period, the contractor
between a contractor and the Government
agrees to extend the terms of the warranty to
which outlines the rights and obligations of
the time required to make necessary safety
both parties for defective supplies
defect corrections. Also, if the contractor or
his supplier(s) provide a greater warranty
p. Warranty Claim. Action started by the
for the supplies furnished, the contractor
equipment user for authorized warranty
will provide the greater warranty to the
repair or reimbursement.
q. Warranty Expiration Date The
date the warranty is no longer valid. This
date will be twelve (12) months from the
Government acceptance date.