TB 9-2815-205-15
d. If a defect/failure is caused by or falls
location is not within CONUS, to the port of
within any of the following categories, it is
not considered warrantable and a claim
should not be initiated;
(2) The contractor's total liability
(1) Misuse or negligence
for transportation changes shall not exceed
(2) Accidents
the cost of transporting the parts by the
(3) Improper operation
usual commercial surface method of
(4) Improper storage
(5) Improper transport
(6) Improper or insufficient
5. Government Responsibilities. The
maintenance service.
Major subordinate Command for the 6V53
(7) Improper alterations or repairs
engines is the Tank-automotive and
(8) Detect/failure discovered or
Armaments Command (TACOM), Warren,
occurring after expiration date.
MI 48397-5000. TACOM is responsible for
(9) Fair wear and tear items (filters,
managing and implementing the warranty.
Warranty claims shall be reported to:
4. Contractor Responsibilities.
US Army Tank-automotive &
Armaments Command (TACOM)
a. The contractor guarantees all items
be free of all defects in material and
Warren, MI 48397-5000
workmanship that would cause the
warranted items to fail.
Telephone: DSN 786-7393
Commercial (8 10) 574-7393
b. In the event of a breech of warranty,
the contractor shall be liable for corrective
a. TACOM will:
action set forth below:
(1) Verify, review, process and if
valid and complete, submit claims;
(1) When notice of any alleged
reimbursable and/or disputes to the
defect or nonconformance shall be given by
the Government to the contractor within one
year following delivery of the allegedly
(2) Reject claims that are not valid
defective or non-conforming item. the
and send them back to the local WARCO
contractor shall be given the opportunity to
with a short explanation of why the claim is
examine parts or supplies at the site where
the malfunction is experienced or, if field
examination cannot be accomplished, the
(3) Request additional information
allegedly defective parts or supplies will be
returned freight, collect, via cheapest
for incomplete claims.
transportation to the contractor's plant. The
contractor shall make a quick exchange and
ship "freight prepaid" back to the user, or if