TB 9-2815-205-15
f. Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP)
7. Claim Procedures
The manufacturers lubrication and
a. The procedures for reporting
service intervals must be followed. During
warranty claims are found in DA PAM 738-
750 and this TB. Responsibilities of the
the break-in period, usually through the first
MACOM are found in AR 700-139 (The
two oil changes, wear metals will be high
and generate a critical report. Oil samples
Army Warranty Program, Concepts and
taken during the first two oil drain intervals
Polices). For all levels of maintenance
operating under the Standard Army
or coolant only). Wear metals from these
Maintenance System (SAMS), warranty
samples should not be used for averaging.
claim actions are processed on DA Form
Only after the warranty has expired and/or
5504 and DA Form 5504-1. For those units
not operating under SAMS, use DA Form
two oil changes has occured will AOAP
2407 and DA Form 2407-1. It is very
apply to this equipment, unless oil sample
important to fill in the blocks on the forms
results indicate the oil and filter of an
as accurately as possible.
assembly are contaminated and should be
changed PRIOR to the manufacturer's
service interval. Sampling intervals for
b. The contractor shall be notified in
AOAP are published in TB 43-0210.
writing, utilizing DA Form 2407 or DA
Form 5504 by the local Warranty Control
6. Engine Serial and Model Number:
Office/Officer (WARCO) following the
discovery of a defect in supplies which
The engine model and serial number are
requires contractor repair and/or
stamped on the vehicle data plate on the
replacement parts. This shall constitute
right hand front corner of the cylinder
formal notification of a warranty claim and
block, as viewed from the rear of the engine
initiate the time period for contractor
responsibilities and action under the
( Fig. 1)
warranty. This notification shall include,
but not be limited to furnishing of the
equipment serial number, operating hours,
part number or NSN of the defective part
and circumstances surrounding the defect(s).
At this time the contractor will be further
informed whether the owning unit has
elected to (1) to correct the defect
themselves or: (2) to direct the contractor to
correct the defect. Upon completion of
contractor repair the contractor shall
forward completed warranty claims
Figure 1. Typical Model and
(information only) to TACOM.
SerialNumbers Stamped on Cylinder
Additionally, the local WARCO will
forward claims to TACOM using DA Form