TB 9-2815-205-15
(3) Reject invalid warranty claims or
(4) Provide warranty claim
request additional information for
acknowledgement/close out letters and or
parts/assemblies disposition instructions to
incomplete or incorrect claims.
the local WARCO.
(4) Coordinate with the owning unit
and decide which option for repair is desired
(5) Insure the contractor performs in
to correct the warrantable defect/failure.
accordance to terms of the contract,
(5) Depending on which repair
b. Equipment owning unit will:
(1) Identify defects/failures and
option was chosen (Government or contract
repair) provide labor/parts required to
verify that the defects/failures are
accomplish the warrantable repairs.
(6) Tag and retain, IAW DA PAM
(2) Submit warranty claims, using
738-750 and this TB, all parts, pieces or
DA Form 2407, DA Form 2407-1 or DA
parts and/or assemblies removed as a result
Form 5504, DA Form 5504-1 (Maintenance
of warrantable defect/failure and/or
Request (Claims and Continuation Sheets)
through channels to the supporting repair
d. Local WARCO will:
(1) Verify, administer and process
(3) Tag and retain, IAW DA PAM
warrant claims to the TACOM WARCO
738-750, The Army Maintenance
(IAW DA PAM 738-750 and this TB).
Management System (TAMMS) and this
TB, parts, pieces of parts and/or assemblies
(2) Act as liaison between owning
removed at the owning unit level and as a
unit, the contractor, supporting repair
result of a warrantable defect/failure and/or
facility and TACOM.
(3) Notify the owning units of all
c. Supporting Repair Facility will:
warranty claim acknowledgments/close-
(1) Identify defects/failures as
outs, information and/or instructions
warrantable (if owning unit has not already
received from TACOM or the contractor.
identified them.) Verify defects/failures are
(4) Act as a liaison between local
dealers and the Army.
(2) Review, process and submit
valid warranty claims to the local WARCO
if the DA Form 2407, DA Form 2407-1 or
Alterations/modifications shall not be
DA Form 5504, or DA Form DA Form
applied unless authorized by TACOM.
5504-1 is complete and correctly filled out.