TB 9-6115-643-24
The following examples of actions which will nullify the warranty are examples only, and are not
inclusive and do not alter the terms of the contract warranty provisions.
Any maintenance/repair procedure, improper use or operation, abuse, improper environmental exposure, and
installation methods which are outside of the published guidelines and procedures contained in the technical manuals can
be cause for nullifying a warranty claim.
In addition, the following actions will be cause for nullification of the warranty:
Subsequent damage to components as a result of continued use after a component malfunction.
Damage caused by combat conditions or acts of war.
Operation of the unit with the battle short switch on.
Operation of the unit in an environment beyond that specified in the Operator's Technical Manual
TM 9-6115-643-10.
Installation of equipment not in accordance with the technical manuals.
Any abuse, such as improper use, repair, or handling of warranted items.
Any damage caused by (1) acts of God or the public enemy, (2) acts of the Government in either its
sovereign or contractual capacity, (3) fires, (4) floods, or (5) unusually severe weather beyond the
performance specifications.
Abuse Determination.
In cases where generator set abuse is suspected (i.e., not obvious), the ATCOM
WARCO or Prime Contractor shall initiate an inquiry into the circumstances leading up to the generator set failure. The
Prime Contractor must submit a letter requesting an inquiry through the ATCOM WARCO and Contracting Office.
The ATCOM WARCO will review the Prime Contractor's request and provide a response tot eh
Prime Contractor through the Contracting Office.
This warranty is void for any generator set for which abuse is determined. The generator set may be
returned to a functional condition by performing the necessary repair procedures in TM 9-
6115-643-24 and TM 9-2815-254-24.
The Prime Contractor will identify warranty claims that are under investigation in the quarterly
Warranty Status Report, if supplied.
Abuse Avoidance.
When abuse (intentional or
unintentional) has been determined, a
statement shall be
made by the abuse determination activity as to how abuse can be avoided in the future.
Claim Procedures.
The following procedures provide instructions for processing warranty claims (refer to DA
PAM 738-750).
Identification of Failed Items.
Generator sets and components thereof that experience a warranty
failure shall be tagged/identified to prevent improper repair or use. Tag the generator set with an Exchange Tag, DA
Form 2402 and complete the Maintenance Request Form, DA Form 2407 (refer to DA PAM 738-750). There are no
items requiring special handling, storage, or shipment during the processing or warranty claims.