TB 10-5411-222-24
a. Exceptions to Warranty. The warranty does not apply to repair or replacement required to restore the unit to
operation in the following instances:
(1) Expendable Items. Expendable items such as filters, gaskets, lubricants, fluids, and items replaceable due to
normal service requirements.
(2) Combat Damage. Combat damage and liability for loss, damage, or injury to third parties or consequential
b. Abuse Determination and Avoidance. When damage to warranted items is not obvious, but suspected to be the
result of abuse, the activity responsible for the equipment shall carefully document the nature, extent, probable cause,
and estimated time and place of occurrence of the damage. The documented data will be analyzed, and compared to
similar cases (if existent) to determine whether the damage was accidental or intentional. Appropriate action shall be
taken to prevent recurrence of accidental or intentional abuse through training, added precautionary and/or handling and
usage labeling or instruction and personnel disciplinary measures.
8. CLAIM PROCEDURES. Warranty claims are Initiated by the using field units and forwarded to the ATCOM Customer
Feedback Center AMSAT-I-MDO, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO. 63120-1798 which will initiate a Warranty Claim
Action (WCA) for warranted items and Quality Deficiency Reporting actions for systematic failures in accordance with DA
PAM 738-750. Questions regarding warranty claim actions can be forwarded to the above address or call AUTOVON
693-1955/Commercial (314) 263-1955.
a. Identification of Failed Items. The contractor must be notified in writing by the Government of any failure of the
shelter or component thereof that is covered under this warranty within 30 days after verification of the failure by a
maintenance facility. Failed warranty items will be tagged/identified to prevent improper repair or use. Items will be
identified for exchange using DA Form 2402, Exchange Tag. Items will be identified for maintenance using DA Form
2407, Maintenance Request.
(1) Retention of Failed Components. All faded components covered under this warranty shall be appropriately
tagged and identified, and retained for 180 days for contractor examination, at contractor's option.
(2) Initiating WCA's. WCA's can be initiated at any maintenance level. Initiation of a WCA from the field is
accomplished using DA Forms 2407 and 2402. The purpose of these forms is for the seller to repair or replace any
defective part so the equipment can be returned to an operational readiness mode.
(3) Selecting Exhibits. A component or part of assembly under warranty that is defective due to Design or
workmanship becomes a warranty claim exhibit. All exhibits will carry a DA Form 2402 marked "WARRANTY EXHIBIT".