TB 10-5411-222-24
5. GOVERNMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. The Government activity responsible for the warranty program is U.S. Army
Aviation and Troop Command, ATTN: SATBE-SSA, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63120-1798, AUTOVON
693-3936, Commercial (314) 263-3936. Only trained or qualified personnel having knowledge of equipment
requirements, standards of operation required in the equipment inspection and certification, and knowledge of the details
cited in the applicable plans and specifications for various materials and equipment incorporated, shall inspect the
equipment for nonconformance deficiencies or for estimating repair cost(s).
a. Government Maintenance. Using units may perform troubleshooting, preventive maintenance, and replacement
of defective components as authorized by the maintenance allocation chart in TM 10-5411-222-14.
b. Owning Unit Responsibilities. Using units are responsible for reporting failures of components subject to the
warranty, to the command identified in paragraph 8.
c. Warranty Control Office Responsibility.
All administrative warranty actions will be the responsibility of the
command identified in this paragraph.
d. Alterations/modifications. Alterations and modifications shall not be made unless expressly authorized or
directed by: U.S. Army Aviation and Troop Command, ATTN: AMSAT-l-MDO, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis,
MO 63120-1798, AUTOVON 693-1955, Commercial (314) 263-1955.
6. DESIGN/PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS. The following paragraphs provide the necessary references to
identify the physical and performance specifications, location of warranty labels, and the test and measurement criteria
used for acceptance testing.
a. Physical and Performance Specifications. The physical and performance specifications for the S-787, Type II
shelters may be found in TM 10-5411-222-14.
b. Location of Warranty Labels. The location of the warranty labels for the S-787 Type II shelters may be found in
TM 10-5411-222-14.
c. Test and Measuring Criteria and Methods for Acceptance Testing. The test and measurement criteria and
methods for acceptance testing may be found in GSS report, titled Test Plan, First Article.
7. NULLIFICATION. Failure to perform operation and maintenance in accordance with the applicable technical manuals
and maintenance allocation chart may be cause for the nullification of the warranty. If a failure is determined to be the
result of a modification and/or repair performed by any organization other than GSS, the warranty responsibilities are
terminated for the modified item.