1-800-333-4874. The GTSI Help Desk
particular importance is the need to keep the
personnel will be provided the item name, serial
laptop computer clean and properly maintained.
number, contract and order number for the item
requiring warranty service. The Help Desk
personnel will log the call and validate warranty
entitlement for the hardware.
The following procedures will be followed to
obtain service/support for any problem(s)
d. Failed warranty items shall be
experienced with the AN/GYK-33B.
tagged/identified to prevent improper repair or
use. Refer to DA PAM 738-750.
a. All field requests for assistance must be
initiated through the CECOM Software
e. Warranty repair/replacement will be
Engineering Center (SEC) Help Desk. Contact
accomplished in accordance with data provided
SEC Hotline on DSN 987-2980 or Commercial
(732-427-2980) where Help Desk personnel will
work with user personnel to work through their
f. User unit is responsible for shipment of
problem( s). The SEC Help Desk Hours of
defective unit to GTSI designated repair facility
Operation are 8:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M., Monday
for other than on-site repair. GTSI will ship
Friday. Weekend and Holiday support is
repaired/replaced unit back to customer location
facilitated by voice mail and/or beeper. If the
within time frames cited in Table 2. Shipment to
problem is with the ACES software, the CECOM
and from remote sites will be paid by contractor.
SEC Help Desk will work to resolve the situation
with the user. If the user's problem is
9. Storage/Shipment/Handling.
determined to be hardware related, the user will
be referred to the GTSI Help Desk at 1-800-333-
a. Storage. Failed items shall be stored
4874. Finally, if problem is determined to be
and packaged in a manner that will preclude
with the AN/CYZ-10(V)3 Data Transfer Device
physical/mechanical damage, pending
(DTD) CT3 software, the unit will be directed to
appropriate distribution instructions.
call the CT3 CSS Help Desk, Toll-Free 866-
651-1191. The CT3 CSS Help Desk Hours of
b. Shipment. No shipments shall be made
Operation are 8:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M., Monday
without direct authority from CECOM SEC
Friday. Weekend and Holiday support is
and/or GTSI.
facilitated by voice mail and/or beeper.
c. Handling. No special handling is
b. Units must ensure that all laptops and
required unless the hard drive contains
hard-drives are handled IAW security
procedures outlined in AR 380-5. Once hard-
should be taken to prevent physical damage that
drives have been put into use by units, there is a
could nullify the warranty.
high likelihood that they will contain classified
data at Secret High. If the removable hard-disk
d. All hard drives must be sanitized in
drive (RHDD) fails with classified information in
accordance with AR 380-19 prior to being
the memory and zeroization of the RHDD is not
shipped from any point.
possible, then the RHDD must be shipped to the
following address IAW AR 380-19, DA
10. Stocking and Managing AN/GYK-33B
Information Security Program.
Laptop and Hard Drive Float Assets for field
If the RHDD cannot be removed from the laptop,
exercises and other emergencies:
the complete laptop must be shipped to the
following address IAW AR 380-19:
a. Float quantities of the laptop and hard
drive are positioned at Tobyhanna Army Depot
Tobyhanna Army Depot
and key locations of the Tobyhanna Forward
COMSEC Support Division (W81U11)
Repair Activities (FRAs); i.e., Ft. Hood, TX, Ft.
11 Hap Arnold Blvd.
Bragg, NC, Ft. Lewis, WA, Germany, and Korea.
Tobyhanna, PA 18466-5100
Enclosure #2 lists the POCs for the above
FRAs. The float laptops and hard drives are
c. As stated in paragraph 8a., if the problem
loaded with the Windows NT operating system,
is determined to be hardware-related, the unit
Oracle, and the ACES software application.
will be advised to contact the GTSI Help Desk at