TB 9-2320-360-14
1. Extended Engine Warranty. A schedule of ex-
made in connection with normal maintenance
tended engine service coverage has been agreed to
and is outlined in the following schedule.
(4) Loss of time, inconvenience, loss of use
The coverage period will begin on the date the engine
of the engine or other consequential damages.
is accepted by the U.S. Government (DD Form 250).
(5) DDC (through Oshkosh) is not
a. This extended service coverage covers:
responsible for the repair of mechanical braking
devices installed on the Engine. Such devices are
(1) Only malfunctions resulting from
warranted by the brake manufacturer through
deficiency in material or workmanship under normal
use and service.
In the event of a warranty failure, the
(2) Labor costs necessary to make a
Government Warranty Administrator will contact the
warranty repair, including engine removal and
Oshkosh Warranty Administrator, who will advise him
of the nearest Detroit Diesel dealer equipped to
handle the warranty problem. Oshkosh will make
(3) Service supplies (such as lubricating oil,
filters, engine coolant, and belts) when such items are
arrangements with the Detroit Diesel dealer for the
required vehicle service. The Government Warranty
not reusable due to a warrantable action.
Administrator may deliver the vehicle to the
b. This extended service coverage does not
designated Detroit Diesel dealer for service.
Oshkosh shall be notified in writing within 60
(1) Conditions resulting from misuse,
days following discovery of a defect in the supplies.
improper engine preservation, negligence, alteration,
This notification shall include, but shall not necessarily
accident, or lack of performance of normal
be limited to, furnishing the applicable equipment
maintenance services.
serial number, engine serial number, operating hours
(2) Any engine which has been repaired by
or miles on the equipment, part number of the
defective part, location of equipment, Unit Identifier
other than an authorized DDC service outlet so as, in
any way in the judgment of DDC, to affect adversely
Code (UIC), and a point of contact to include
telephone number and circumstances surrounding the
defect. At this time, Oshkosh shall further be
(3) The replacement of maintenance items
informed whether the Government has elected:
(such as filters, belts, lubricating oil, and antifreeze)