1. Purpose. A
vehicle storage
report (figure 1 )
3. Storage Maintenance Procedures
be partially partially for each newly delivered vehicle
a. Before placing a vehicle in storage,
placed in Government storage and completed when
perform the following tasks:
each vehicle is removed from storage and placed in
(1) Clean the exterior, interior of cab,
service. The preparation of this report is an important
engine, and undercarriage. Wash any oil and grease
aspect of vehicle warranty terms between the Goven-
from tires.
ment and Oshkosh. It must be prepared properly and
submitted in a timely manner (within 45 days from re-
(2) Conduct a visual inspection of the
ceipt of the vehicle) so the Government can fully real-
vehicle. Check lubricant levels and tire pressures.
ize the intended warranty benefits.
Correct any discrepancies.
2. Use of Vehicle Storage Report. Oshkosh will
(3) Lubricate the chassis, ancillary
provide blank report forms to the Government repre-
equipment, winch cables, fifth wheel, and oil can
sentative prior to vehicle removal from the plant. The
forms will be filled in for each vehicle shipped from
(4) Check the coolant level. Test the coolant
Oshkosh and distributed as follows:
to ensure that the cooling system is protected against
a. Part I is completed by the Oshkosh
corrosion and temperatures down to 30F, Add
Government representative when the vehicle leaves
antifreeze or corrosion inhibitors compatible with
Oshkosh for the storage facility.
ethylene glycol base antifreeze if cooling system is not
adequately protected.
b. Part II is completed by the depot
representative when the vehicle is placed in storage,
(5) Ensure the fuel tank contains at least 20
with copies made and distributed as follows:
gallons of treated fuel. The fuel should be treated
with Biobor J. F. The addition of 3 teaspoons of Biobor
(1) One to Oshkosh -
ATTN: Warranty Administration
to 20 gallons of fuel will provide adequate protection
P.O. Box 2566
against fungus growth. When storing a vehicle in
freezing conditions, the addition of 3 ounces of
Oshkosh, WI 54903-2566
isopropyl alcohol to 20 gallons of diesel fuel will help
(2) One to vehicle
prevent fuel line freeze up.
(3) One to depot file
(6) All fuel that is added to the vehicle
(4) One to -
during storage must be treated. While in storage,
Commander, USA TACOM
there must always be at least 20 gallons of treated
Warren, MI 48397-5000
fuel in the vehicle's fuel tank.
(7) Check condition of engine air cleaner.
c. Part III is completed by the depot
representative when the vehicle is removed from
Service if necessary.
storage, with copies made and distributed as follows:
(8) Coat all exposed unpainted surfaces
One to Oshkosh -
such as spools, axle ball sockets, drive shafts, and
ATTN: Warranty Administration
shift cables with grease.
P.O. Box 2566
(9) Clean battteries and battery cables with a
Oshkosh, WI 54903-2566
baking soda solution and rinse with fresh water. Do
not allow the baking soda solution to enter the
One to vehicle
batteries. Add water to battery electrolyte if
Commander, USA TACOM
One to-
necessary. Check the specific gravity of the batteries
regularly. Keep the batteries fully charged and clean.
Warren, Ml 48397-5000
Protect spare tire from direct sunlight.
One to-
Commander, USA TACOM
(11) If possible, store vehicles close together,
Warren, Ml 48397-5000
out of direct sunlight, and away from electrical or gen-
erating equipment.
One to depot file