(4) The defective equipment will be inspected to determine the validity of the warranty claim and probable
cause(s). Based on this inspection, the defective equipment will be placed in one of three categories. They are listed
below with the action the contractor will take to resolve the claim.
(a) Defects in material and/or workmanship. The equipment will be repaired or replaced and shipped.
(b) Damage from misuse and/or abuse. The TROSCOM WARCO will be notified. The equipment will be
stored until authorization to repair or replace and return the equipment is received.
(c) No defect or damage found (false return). The TROSCOM WARCO will be notified. The equipment
will be stored until authorization to return the equipment is received.
(5) In the event the Government disagrees with the catagory assigned to a warranty claim, the Quality Assurance
Manager will represent the contractor to resolve the dispute.
(6) Each week a Warranty Control Report will be issued to the contractor's Quality Assurance Manager,
Director of Engineering, and Purchasing Manager to ensure warranty claims are processed and shipped on time.
(7) Each month a Warranty Control Report Summary will be sent to the TROSCOM WARCO. This summary
will list; each warranty claim received during the month (except false returns), the authorization number, and status
(including any government authorization required to process the claim).
(8) Each month a False Return Report will be sent to the TROSCOM WARCO. This report will list; each
warranty claim believed to be a false return that was received during the month, the authorization number, and
government authorization required to return equipment to the user.
d. Warranty Claims Service Facility. Warranty claims will be shipped prepaid land freight to the following address.
Tri-State Refueler
539 South 10th Street
Kansas City, Kansas 66105
Attn: HTARS Warranty Control Clerk
e. Reimbursement of Shipping Costs. Prepaid land freight shipping costs paid by the Government for warranty
claims to equipment with defects due to materials and/or workmanship shall be paid by the contractor on a monthly
basis as directed by TROSCOM WARCO.
5. Government Responsibilities/Identification.
conjunction with the TROSCOM
Contracting Officer, will authorize all warranty claims requested by field units. The TROSCOM WARCO can be
contacted at the following address:
Warranty Control Office
4300 Goodfellow Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63120-1798
ATTN: Jim Eberhardt
Phone: 1-314-263-9457
Autovon: 693-9457
Government Maintenance.
Refer to TM5-4930-237-10, Operator's Manual (HTARS), for maintenance
procedures authorized in conjunction with this warranty.
b. Owning Unit Responsibilities. Refer to TM5-4930-237-10 for details.