TB 9-2300-295-15/16
3-1. Warranty. a. General. Notwithstanding inspec-
labor hours appearing in the manufacturer's flat rate
tion and acceptance by the Government of the vehi-
time schedule manual or the Government's actual
cle and all parts and accessories thereof, hereafter
cost, which is less.
called "supplies", furnished under the contract or
b. Effective Date.
any provision of this contract concerning the con-
(1) The substance of the warranty provision, its
clusiveness thereof
duration, and the manufacturer's implementation
(1) The manufacturer hereby warrants that the
thereof will be imprinted on a decalcomania approx-
supplies are free from defects in material and
imately 3" X 4" and shall be mounted in view of the
workmanship and will conform with the specifica-
operator on the curb side of the side rail as near to
tions and all other requirements of this contract for
the center as possible.
a period of 15 months from date of acceptance as
(2) The date of manufacture (month year desig-
shown on the Material Inspection and Receiving Re-
nation found on the vehicle data plate) must also be
port (DD Form 250). Additionally, to the extent the
included on DA Form 2407 and DA Form 2402
manufacturer or his supplier(s) provides to the general
when making warranty claims.
public a greater warranty for specific parts/compo-
3-2. Replacement Parts. With respect to replacement
nents/assemblies/tires, the manufacturer hereby like-
parts supplied under this clause, the replacement
wise provides such greater warrant y to the Govern-
parts will be warrantied to the same extent as parts
initially delivered beginning on the date of delivery
(2) With respect to defective supplies, wherever
of the new or repaired parts.
located, the warranty shall include the furnishing,
without cost to the Government, F.O.B. manufac-
3-3. Safety Recall. If a safety recall defect occurs
turer's plant, branch or dealer facility, or F.O.B.
during the vehicle warranty period, the manufac-
original CONUS Destination or F.O.B. US Port of
turer agrees to extend the warranty duration time
Embarkation, at the Government's option, new sup-
equal to the time period required to make the
plies to replace any that prove to be defective within
necessary safety defect correction repairs. "Time
the warranty period.
period required" is defined as the downtime of the
(3) In addition, the Government shall have the
vehicles subjected to a safety recall.
option (i) to return the supplies to the manufacturer's
plant, branch or dealer facility for correction, (ii) to
3-4. Special Provisions. Under no circumstances
correct the supplies itself or (iii) to have them cor-
will the manufacturer be liable to the Government
rected by a commercial repair facility. When the
for any special or consequential damages, whether
Government elects to have the work performed at
based on work stoppage, or impairment or other
the manufacturer's plant, branch or dealer facility,
goods, and whether arising out of breach of warranty,
the cost of labor involved in the correction of the
breach of contract, negligence, misrepresentation or
defective supplies shall be borne by the manufac-
otherwise, except in the case of personal injury
turer. With respect to defective supplies located
where applicable laws require such liability.
within the 50 States, when the Government elects to
3-5. Depot Storage. If the Government elects to
correct them itself, or have them corrected by a com-
place a quantity of newly delivered vehicles in
mercial garage, the cost of labor involved in the cor-
Government depot storage prior to placing them in
rection of defects shall be borne by the manufac-
service, and if such storage does not exceed 6 months,
turer and shall be computed at the manufacturer's
the manufacture agrees that the warranty provi-
then prevailing hourly labor rate for such service in
sions will not be affected by this action, and that full
that geographical area, based upon the number of
warranty coverage will start on the date that each
labor hours appearing in the manufacturer's flat rate
vehicle is withdrawn from Government storage. As
time schedule manual, or the Government's actual
each new vehicle is placed in storage, and at the time
cost, whichever is less. With respect to defective
each vehicle is withdrawn from storage, the Govern-
supplies located outside the 50 States, when the
ment will provide the manufacturer with appropri-
Government elects to correct them itself, or have
ate notification. The manufacturer will provide vehi-
them corrected by a commercial garage, the cost of
cle status report forms for this purpose. Refer to
labor involved shall be borne by the manufacturer at
the rate of .05 per hour based upon the number of